Kurt Newman's Ulterior Page Coaxing an expression dry and fragile as rare mosses (music) growing on a riverbank, speaking silently as the wilderness night sounds. From a hollow bodied electric, Kurt Newman coaxes a variety of sounds in hammering, stroking, rubbing, fingerings and placements, creating a contrapuntal deluge of simultaneous musical noise, harmonics, and sound events. One of the most interesting new stylists I've heard in a long time (La Donna Smith, The Improvisor).
Blurbs for Port Huron Picnic @ Spool MusicReview of No Idea Festival CD @ Jazz WeeklyReview of No Idea Festival CD @ One Final NoteProfile of Wrist Error @ Music Works
Interview with Kurt re: Golden Melody Awards @ WavelengthReview of No Idea Festival @ PARIS Transatlantic MagazineReview of the Weird Weeds CD @ The Austin ChronicleReview of the No Idea Festival @ The Austin ChronicleReview of the Weird Weeds @ Tiny Mix TapesBlurbs for Wrist Error's Tempo Tempo @ Spool MusicReview of Wrist Error's Tempo Tempo @ Eye WeeklyInterview with Kurt @ Austin360And, it's a real good guitar album -- the line-up is a drummer and three guitarists, and it's often the "lead guitar" (credited as such) by Kurt Newman that saves the day, sharp little spiky melodies bouncing off the chordal chiming prog-pop interlock the rhythm players lay down.
--excerpt from Review of Weird Weeds @ Blastitude
conact Kurt: Kurtnewman at gmail dot com